I tell stories.
Happy, sad, hilarious or harrowing — I tell stories to learn about life, people, and the world around us and share the answers and astonishments I continue to collect. As a storyteller, I find film to be the ultimate medium where picture, poetry, and prose collide to stimulate the senses and move us to feeling.
My cinematography and editing experience make me a multi-faceted director. My fascination with psychology, literature and art inspire me to create meaningful relevant content whether it be consumably branded or creatively high-concept. I specialize in producing digital branded content and work with company's such as Snap Inc, LOLA tampons, True Story Foods, Barnes & Noble, Freshpet, Try The World and more while also working with musicians and artists to bring their art into visual fruition. I have freelance shot/edited content for musician Nick Jonas and LP, actor Kevin Hart and influencer/TV personality Quinn Marcus.
I like to approach narrative and documentary filmmaking as a "Gonzo" storyteller, becoming completely engulfed in the environment, lifestyle, and behavior of the people and places around me. By immersing myself in the work, I aim to tell honest and personal stories with a unique voice, reflecting my own collection of social criticisms on the world. That said, I also like experimenting with blending genres and breaking typical filmmaking conventions.
My docu-narrative film Two-stroked: A Love Story has screened in numerous festivals including the 2015 Festival de Cannes - Court Métrage, 3rd Annual Motorcycle Film Festival where it won Best Short Narrative, and the 2016 Las Vegas Film Festival where it won Best Documentary Short.